Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thoughts on Posting Photos of Your Accepted Work Prior to the Book Being Published

When I have work accepted for publication in a book or magazine, in contrast to a juried exhibition, I make it a rule not to post photos of the accepted works on my blog or website. While I do mention it on my resume and on my website schedule of exhibitions and events (i.e., "2010 Art Glass Today, Edited by Jeffrey Snyder, Schiffer Publishing), I never go as far as to say for example "I had four photos accepted for the magazine story, book, etc. and here are the photos."

To do so takes away the surprise of the publication. And if your friends, family, clients, and the whole world already have seen the actual photos of your art works that are going to be in the book, there really is no incentive for them or others to purchase the book or buy the magazine to read the article. As an artist you want to create anticipation for your work and what you are doing next. Advertise away about the book and your place in it of course but hold some things back.

If you look at the resumes of experienced artists, the standard practice and unwritten protocol is to simply reference the upcoming publication as mentioned above and at most, include ONE photo.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

All Requested Bio Information and Signed Photo Releases Are Needed By This Friday

Since we all have a shared interest in this book staying on schedule, for the very small handful of artists whom have not sent in bio info and a signed photo release, I need all the information by this Friday. There is an updated fax # so please email me for the number.

Also, for the few artists who received conditional acceptances pending higher resolution photos, if I have not heard back from you by Friday with a status update, you may risk losing your place in the book. This does not apply to artists who have kept me up to date on their upgraded photo status.

Thanks for the cooperation of everyone to help keep the book on schedule.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Reminder on the Photo Releases For Accepted Sculpture!

Please send the PHOTO RELEASE to me and NOT to the publisher. I have to match and confirm releases to the photos in my draft book and if you mail it to the publisher versus to me, this causes a delay in my work on the book. If your photographer is sending your release, you need to make certain the photographer is aware that the release is to be sent to me.

Thank you.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Citation to the Upcoming Book on Your Artist Resume

Several artists have asked for the proper format to reference their work being accepted for the upcoming book on *Recycled Glass Sculpture and Design (*working title).

I would suggest not referencing the number of accepted photos for the book but simply listing it on your resume in a manner similar to the example below:

Recycled Glass Sculpture and Design , By Cindy Ann Coldiron, Edited by Nancy Schiffer, Schiffer Publishing, Summer 2011

Monday, June 7, 2010

Fax Number for Photo Release

My new fax machine still does not seem to be operating properly. Please feel free to mail your form to me or scan it and email it as an attachment if you can sign it or have an electronic signature.


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Photo Release Rules-Important-Please Read

For those of you with accepted photos for the book that were taken by someone other than yourself, I will accept an additional release from your photographer. However, YOU ALSO STILL NEED TO SIGN A RELEASE FORM.

Please do not have your photographers contact me for photo discussions or copyright discussions. All discussions on the release are between you and your photographer. They may of course send a signed release to me.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Rolling Notices are Being Sent on the Recycled Glass Sculpture Call

A large number of formal acceptance or nonacceptance notices were emailed today. They will continue into the next week.

Thanks to all of the successful applicants to date who had amazingly original work and techniques. And thanks for working with me to obtain the best photos as possible for the book. Great photos help make a successful art book and we are all creating history with this first book on Recycled Glass Sculpture and Design. The majority of the general public is unfamiliar with the look and techniques of recycled glass so our photos have to educate as well.

And a friendly reminder: Everyone has to fill out and sign the photo release to allow use of the photos. No photos will appear in the book without a signed release.